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Ready to Participate and be a Contestant?


Step 2 – Sign the Letter of Intent and mail (with deposit if paid offline). You need to print and sign.
Step 3 – You will receive a confirmation and further details when your deposit is received.

Mark your calendar, make travel arrangements, and see you in St. Louis!





  • $100.00 Cash

  • 2024 Heartland Bear patch

  • HiBearNation 27 Run Pass and two nights at the host hotel.

  • Up to $300.00 Paid towards Bear Contest or Bear Run of choice, this includes hotel costs. (No cash value)



  • $75.00 Cash

  • HiBearNation Run Pass



  • $50.00 Cash



  • The Mr. Heartland Bear Contest is open to contestants identifying as a male that have gay and bisexual sexual orientations and who are at least 21 years of age.

  • Contestant residence is limited to the following states: Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Ohio

  • Contestants must provide a State issued photo ID by the event.

  • Mr. Heartland bear contestants are required to appear at all judged events or they will be disqualified. 

  • The Show-Me Bears reserve the right to remove anyone from the competition at any time and for any reason.

  • In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by a unanimous vote of the judges.

  • Contestants are required to submit a $25 deposit with their application. This deposit will be refunded immediately after the contest to contestants who weren’t disqualified for reasons listed in the Official Rules & Regulations.

  • State and local laws prohibit frontal nudity. A minimum of a 2″ wide strap must cover the contestants' butt crack if the contestant decides to go “seatless.”

  • The winner of Mr. Heartland Bear 2024 may be requested to appear at local events including, but not limited to, St. Louis Gay Pride, Hibearnation, and the next Mr. Heartland Bear contest.

  • Contestant agrees that he is not a convicted felon and that if any actions, current or past, are deemed harmful to Hibearnation, Mr. Heartland Bear Contest or the Show-Me Bears or its brands will be cause for immediate removal of any Mr. Heartland Bear title awarded as well as forfeiture of all prizes awarded.

  • Contestants should seek counsel from the contest organizers if there is a situation, criminal conviction or allegations that would bring attention to or other negative results in a public forum BEFORE placing themselves in the contest. These situations do not necessarily bar an individual from participating, but both parties should be aware so that proper discernment can be held before placing the organization or the potential contestant in a precarious situation. Contest organizers (Show Me Bears Board of Directors) have the final say in contest participation.

  • Contestant agrees that titleholders represent the brands of The Show-Me Bears and events. The Show-Me Bears reserves the right to remove titles and related paraphernalia at their sole discretion for any reason at any time, including behavior unbecoming of a titleholder/representative or for derogatory words and actions towards The Show Me Bears, Hibearnation, or Mr. Heartland Bear Contest. (This includes physical public actions and social media actions).

Contestants total scores will be judged on the following categories:
40% – Interview w/judges (interpersonal skills)
30% – Pageant (everyday wear, cruise wear, underwear)
20% – Audience vote
10% – Shot sales on Friday

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